
Dubbing Guide for Gaming content

Learn the most effective way to recording Gaming content with VoiceQ.

VoiceQ streamlines the dubbing process for games by displaying on-screen text (the script) in perfect sync with the game's video. This helps voice actors deliver their lines with accurate timing and emotional impact.

1. Preparation:

  • Import Media:  Load the game cutscene video into VoiceQ.
  • Prepare Script:  Have the translated script ready in a format that VoiceQ can recognize (e.g., plain text, SRT, or XML).
  • Sync Text:  Use VoiceQ's tools to align the text with the video's timing. This may involve marking sentence beginnings/ends or adjusting the timing manually.

2. Translation:

  • Within VoiceQ: Some versions of VoiceQ may offer basic translation tools. However, for professional dubbing, consider using dedicated translation software or the services of a skilled translator.
  • External Translation:  If using external tools, ensure the translated script is saved in a format that VoiceQ can recognize.

3. Adaption:

  • Cultural Nuances: Adapt the translated script to fit the target audience's cultural context. This might involve adjusting idioms, humor, or references to make them understandable and relatable.
  • Lip Sync (Optional): If lip sync is crucial, consider adapting the translation slightly to match the original character's mouth movements. However, prioritize the clarity and natural flow of the dialogue.

4. Connecting to DAW (Optional):

  • ReWire: If your DAW (like Pro Tools or Reaper) supports ReWire, you can connect VoiceQ as a ReWire slave. This allows you to record directly into your DAW and leverage its advanced editing features.
  • MIDI Timecode (MTC): Use MTC to sync VoiceQ with your DAW. This is especially useful for maintaining frame-accurate timing when using multiple devices.
  • Manual Audio Export: You can export audio from VoiceQ and import it into your DAW manually. However, this might be less convenient for maintaining precise sync.

Refer to VoiceQ and your DAW's documentation for detailed instructions on establishing these connections.

5. Recording:

  • Preparing the visuals for Actors: It is best to prepare the session prior to recording by selecting you chosen visuals. We recommend using WAVform visuals, Rythmoband and also Preview text - Download the preference shown below here:
  • Recording Mode: VoiceQ will display the text in sync with the video. As the actor speaks, their line is recorded and linked to the corresponding section of the video.
  • Take Management: VoiceQ allows for multiple takes of each line.  Actors and directors can easily choose the best performance for each segment.


  • Text Display Options: VoiceQ offers customizable text display settings (font size, color, position) for optimal visibility during recording.
  • Use a Good Microphone: Invest in a quality microphone for clear, professional-sounding audio.
  • Monitor Audio: Wear headphones while recording to accurately monitor your performance.
  • Practice: Familiarity with the script and the game's context will improve the final recording.

Why VoiceQ for Games?

  • Precise Timing:  Text-to-video synchronization ensures accurate dubbing.
  • Efficiency: Simplifies the workflow for voice actors and directors.
  • Flexibility: Supports various script formats and offers editing capabilities.
  • DAW Integration: Options to connect with professional audio workstations for advanced post-production.