
Collaborative Workflows

In this guide, we'll cover how to set up multi-user projects and manage user roles and permission.

Welcome to VoiceQ, where collaborative workflows are streamlined through the integration of VoiceQ Cloud. This macOS-based dubbing and translation software, combined with the cloud service, allows for efficient multi-user projects. In this guide, we'll cover how to set up multi-user projects, review and approve edits, and manage user roles and permissions.

Setting up Multi-User Projects

1. Creating a Multi-User Project:

  • Start by launching VoiceQ and accessing the main menu. Select "File" > "New Project" and choose the option for a multi-user project. Follow the prompts to set up the project, including naming, language preferences, and other relevant details.

2. Inviting Collaborators:

  • Once the project is created, you can invite collaborators to join. Navigate to the project settings and select "Invite Users." Provide the email addresses of the team members you'd like to include.

3. Accessing Projects on VoiceQ Cloud:

  • Collaborators will receive an invitation email with a link to access the project on VoiceQ Cloud. They can log in with their VoiceQ Cloud account credentials or create a new account.

Reviewing and Approving Edits

1. Collaborative Editing:

  • As collaborators work on the project, changes and edits are tracked in real-time. This allows for a dynamic and interactive editing process.

2. Commenting and Feedback:

  • Collaborators can leave comments and feedback directly within VoiceQ Cloud. This facilitates communication and ensures that all team members are aligned on the project's progress.

3. Approving Changes:

  • As the project owner or an assigned administrator, you have the authority to approve or reject edits. This can be done through the project settings in VoiceQ Cloud.

Managing User Roles and Permissions

1. Assigning User Roles:

  • VoiceQ Cloud offers different user roles to accommodate various levels of access and responsibility. These roles include administrators, editors, and viewers. Assign roles based on the collaborator's role in the project.

2. Editing Permissions:

  • Administrators and editors have the authority to make changes to the project, including script edits, audio replacements, and translations. Viewers, on the other hand, have read-only access.

3. Revoking Access:

  • If a collaborator's role changes or they are no longer involved in the project, you can adjust their permissions or revoke access entirely through the project settings.

With the combined power of VoiceQ and VoiceQ Cloud, collaborative workflows are seamless and efficient. Should you have any further questions or need assistance with managing multi-user projects, refer to our comprehensive support resources or reach out to our dedicated support team. Happy dubbing and translating!