
Back to the Studio

September 24, 2021

Back to the Studio

Heartening news from VoiceQ clients around the world as studios re-open - some for the first time in more than a year.

The Kitchen Miami writes it had an official “Back to Work” day in July when they welcomed the whole team back to the office after 16 long months.

Macalla an award-winning, independent media production company situated in Dublin just shared news of its move: “We are upgrading our in-house studio in Dublin (yay)! We've been recording remotely with VoiceQ for nearly a year now and can't wait to get it in the studio as well as our own remote studios around Ireland!”

And from around the globe, we are hearing of new projects underway, big recruitment drives, staff thrilled to be back in the studio, and even plans to get together at industry conventions.

Exciting as this is, remote solutions are definitely here to stay: the headline news is a new hybrid studio/remote model is developing.

VoiceQ client The Kitchen Group recently provided some insights into future work patterns.

The Group surveyed all its global locations in late July, finding many gearing up to full on-premises work again and several already back to normal, or at least semi-normal. “YES, we are back to normal!” writes one.   But when asked “Will any of your team continue to work remotely?”

The locations added:

MENA “Yes, we believe that 60% of our staff will continue to work remotely”

RUSSIA: “Yes, there are some that will continue to work remotely.”

TURKEY: “We can have our teamwork remotely required.”

ISRAEL: “We all seem to be enjoying being back to in-studio work.”

ARGENTINA: “We have added many new talents to work remotely.”

FRANCE: “Yes, if we don’t need a physical presence in the studio we stay home”

VoiceQ has been recognized as offering one of the emergent remote solutions changing the industry, NIMZDI research.

We are ready to deliver to this new normal.


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